Move of the Reformation religious in France (1515-1560)


  • Younis Abbas Nimmah


Humanities, Uribe history


The movement of religious reform Began in an active and influential since the beginning of the sixteenth century in many European countries, especially Germany and France, and the evolution of matter of doctrinal differences about the rituals and religious ceremonies to search for the issue of the limits of spiritual authority and disadvantages of papal authority and the level of obedience to the church, and it was possible to agree on religious truth with differing views, if you could remove what it rituals of ignorance and shading and exploit the simplicity of others, especially since everyone was raindrops of the same principles and doctrines of Christianity, but the bigotry that was a number of clerics from both sides and fueled by personal interests of kings, princes and nobles, who found in the Reformation the right opportunity for expansion and acquisition of land and property at the expense of the church increased the complexity of the dispute and around gradually to the differences and then to the conflicts and wars preoccupied European society for more than two centuries, and resulted in the latter to the idea of separation of church and state and freedom of conscience for all, and then leave room for laws position to rule the country and declined to cut and highlighted the role of the church and worship only the Divine Liturgy.


