The effect of using educational pattern Way in the collection of knowledge for students of the Department of Art Education in the decoration material


  • Ali Hussein Khalaf


Humanities, teaching methods


The research topic of the impact of the pattern of teaching aids in the collection knowledge to students in the Department of Education in patterning of decorative materialTo achieve the objective researcher ( 6 ) null hypotheses address the research variables with limited border on the first –grade student in the D department of Art Education .College of Fine Arts . University of Babylon . for the academic year 2012 – 2013 Second semester in the patterning of plant material .The second chapter .where the first two topics .Teaching aids look philosophical .The second pattern means . Included in the third quarter . The research sample consisted of ( 32 ) male and female students .Divided into four groups of three including a pilot and the fourth officer. Each group included ( 8 ) students .Where the studied experimental group using the first and planned educational way . Studied in the experimental group using a second monitor . the studied with the experimental group using third photographers . Either the control group were examined according to the usual way And subjected to the test of the four groups posttest . According to the researcher . as grades obtained by students according to Asthmas to especially designed for this purpose.The results of the research outweigh the experimental group first used it means the planned educational methods used on the other . Among the recommendations is the need to recruit the planned educational display educational materials because of its positive features . it is recommendation proposals in other materials and observe its impact in improving the level .


