Aesthetic and intellectual values of the theatrical decor in modern theatrical trends


  • Abbas Ali Jaafar


Humanities, arts, theater


Stanislavski began in the light of the natural theater earlier in (Germany Al Mengjd In France, Andre Antoine) trying to achieve foreign conforming to historical reality through numerous studies for decoration and fashion ... where natural theater depends on the decor on the principle of accuracy in the reproduction of reality and that everything stage must be real as possible. And construction on stage not only multiplicity of rooms and even multi-storey also real and ladders and doors of oak. The natural theater owners aspire to is sought by (Yan sativa) in public landscapes something integration decree with the real thing. And the artist in the natural theater as when (Yan sativa) create and collaborator closer cooperation with carpenter and woodcutter and the play-maker accessories. It also seeks to transform the stage to show the tools real museum age or less copied estimate for age fees or by photographs taken from museums. () In this way, coupled with a way to copy the historical style and transport photography natural theater to achieve the principle of Foreign conforming to historical reality.


