General features of Algeria's oil policy 1962-1965


  • Osama Saheb Menem


Humanities, history, modern history


The independence of Algeria in 1962 of colonization French long as the 132-year-old signed and left its impact in the affairs of the Algerian life General Perhaps the economic most important where, as France was keen to independence agreements "Evian agreements" to devote French hegemony on the economic and military terms, the Algerian private, which is effect the Algerian oil sector even after independence in sustenance, which was the sector forms the backbone of plans and programs of economic reconstruction and development, which was Algeria planned to be in the first years of independence, were the years that saw the French control of the Algerian oil sector bus Algerian attempts to retrieve those with important wealth Big Algeria and complete political independence and economic independence from the colonial full French company, hence the importance of this research, which came under the general features of Algeria's oil policy 1962-1965 title


