Federico Garcia Lorca and the Arab Theater


  • Osman Mohammed Osman Elhaj kunna Associate Professor Arabic Language Department– College of Arts King Faisal University


Lorca-Yarma-Blood Wedding-Bloody Wedding-Arab Theater


Federico Garcia Lorca is the most important Spanish poet and playwright in the twentieth century. He was born on June 5, 1898 CE, in Fuenette Fagodes, a small town a few miles from Granada, who grew up with great love in the region.

His father owned a farm in the fertile areas around Granada, and a palace in the city center, and his mother was a teacher, smart, educated, and with imagination, she took it upon himself to teach him pronunciation and language, because he found it difficult in his first life.

Lorca's poetry and plays combine elements of Andalusian folklore with often sophisticated and surreal poetic techniques, and across all social and educational barriers, have succeeded in creating viable poetic language for a stage superior to the works of his contemporaries.

A poet and playwright, he moved the night of August 19, 1936 to an unknown location near Granada where he was killed by nationalists at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, and is considered the greatest poet of Spain in the last century, and certainly the greatest Spanish writer since the golden age.

The study aims to identify the effects of the poet Federico Garcia Lorca and the theatrical literary works on the Arab theater in particular, by focusing on the bloody wedding play or the blood wedding.

The research problem revolves around: How has Lorca's literature affected Arab literature, especially in the field of theater? Did his literature find popularity in the Arab theater? And why? What is the impact of the subjects that Luka tackled in his plays and influenced the Arab theater?

The research is expected to reach conclusions, including:

  1. The influence of Lorca in the field of Arab theater, as he was a defender of women, after seeing injustice against women in Spanish society, and that applied to our Arab societies, whether it was within the framework of the perception of women or to be symbolic to the system of government.
  2. The theater of Lorca is popular in the Arab theater for the similarity of roles between what happened previously and what is currently taking place in Arab society, including social and economic contradictions and political turmoil.
  3. The Lorca plays and themes are comprehensive and this vision made his plays suitable for any time and place.

