Aesthetics formats Constructivism in Iraq's nature drawing


  • Anwar Ali Alwan Babylon University / Faculty of Fine Arts


Humanities, Arts, Drawing, Nature Iraq


       This means research study ( Aesthetics formats Constructivism in charge of nature Iraqi contemporary ), which is located in four chapters , devoted the first chapter to a statement of the research problem and its importance and the need for , and purpose , and its limits , and to identify the most important terms contained therein have been identified research problem by answering the following question:

- How to set up the data formats for aesthetic reconstructive fee contemporary landscape in Iraq?

        And demonstrated the importance of research in that it represents the process of investigation aesthetic of privacy charge nature of Iraqi contemporary , as flows into public libraries and specialized institutions and associations artistic effort scientific modest addition to an area of ​​the formation of the Iraqi contemporary , The researcher found that there is an essential need for this study , is the fact that the researcher sought to fathom this space Alachtgalah , Fetra fees nature in drawing contemporary Iraqi , requires a substantial studies around.

And research goal was to identify the aesthetics of structural patterns in nature Iraqi fees contemporary limits of the search has been limited to the study of aesthetics formats structural nature of the fees for the duration of the Iraqi (1954 - 2000) in Iraq .

     The second chapter , it has included the theoretical framework , which contained two sections , Me first topic to study ( the aesthetics of pattern between the concept and significance ) , which included two axes : first, ( the concept of beauty in philosophical thought ) , and second ( pattern between the concept and significance ) , while Section Me was the second study ( in the graphic nature of contemporary Iraqi ) through two axes , the first ( structural patterns in charge of European impressionism ) , and second ( in the nature of contemporary Iraqi drawing ) .

     The third chapter singled out procedures for search , which included the research community 's (50) for the painting , and selection of the research sample the (6 ) models , and research methodology , and analysis of the sample, where the researcher relied on indicators that ended the theoretical framework to analyze the sample .

     While the fourth quarter included the results of the research and the conclusions and recommendations and proposals .

