U.S.A judicial system attributes and justification for the formation of the Supreme Court of 1789


  • Aasim Hakim Abbas Al-Jubour University of Qadisiyah Faculty of Education Department of History
  • Hakim Fnikh Ali Al-Alkfajy College of Imam Al-Kadhim Al-Tayyarah Neighborhood / Opposite The Radd Alshshams


Humanities , Modern History


     Dealt with a lot of research and academic studies, some important joints of the history of the United States, social, economic, political and even judicial especially after independence in 1783 and stayed another ill-considered, such as, the American judicial system attributes and justifications for the formation of the Supreme Court, so we chose the theme (The judicial system attributes American and justification for the formation of the Supreme Court).                           

That specify search features American judicial system and the rationale for the formation of the Supreme Court address and confined to an important part, has more than one meaning, including that these features have not been studied and show the extent of their impact on the overall US justice system and the role played by those features make the US justice system is unique from other other judicial systems, as well as so that the formation of the US Supreme Court, and that court has played the future of the US justice system, as it paved the way for him is set in center stage globally later.                                                                        

    The Study was divided into two sections, taking the first section (the American judicial system attributes) as was the highlight of the US judicial system attributes starting and ending with the previous judicial system of the jury system through the federal system of the United States, and the duplication of the court system in the United States, as tracing the historical roots of the evolution of the system juryAnd the mechanism of transition the American colonies with reference to the neglect of the Federal the Constitution Juryas well as a highlight in a briefly to federal system is United States, and duplication of court system in the United States and the Search section previous system of judicial, and what caused this system of significant impact on the American justiceAnd studied the second topic (formation of Supreme Court and their mechanism of action), and the Department of topic on several axes, as he studied the first axis Judiciary Act of 1789, and discussed the second axis constitutional air-conditioning system of the Supreme Court to be in tune with the Federal the constitution while the third axis lesson selection of members of the Supreme Court mechanism Which granted exclusively by to President of the requirement of Senate approval of nominations while the latter search axis ratification of the Senate on the nominations after studying the curriculum vitae of each candidate, and diplopia Find a conclusion whale research findings of the researcher.   

