The human nature between realism and naturalism in the nineteenth century


  • Ahmed abed abbas Iraq - University of Babylon College of Arts


Realism, naturalisme , The novel, Balzac's novels, human models, social and genetic factors


If realism is present in human beings since ancient times, it is necessarily present in literature as an expression of the nature of people and as a product of influences of race, time and place. Our research covered:

The human nature between realism and naturalism in the nineteenth century))

The reasons for the emergence of realism and natural in literature, and then addressed a number of features, including the pessimism, which was represented in the work of its pioneer Balzac, who depicted some social diseases such as stinginess and access and hypocrisy and the search for money, as in the series of novels ("human comedy) Which is acquired by the individual of his community. And then the research showed the advantages of naturalism, which sees its leader, Emil Zola, that man is evil and that the cause of his evil is due to the instincts he inherited from the fathers, which include a part of the inherited traditions and individualities as in the series of novels Rougon-Macquart.


