The effectiveness of high level thinking skills in the achievement of students in the fifth grade in geography and its retention


  • Jinan Marzah Hamza University of Babylon Faculty of Basic Education
  • Ali Jabar Abdullah University of Babylon Faculty of Basic Education
  • Qais Shaker Karim Al Jubouri University of Babylon Faculty of Basic Education


high level thinking skills, students in the fifth grade in geography


The aims of current research is to identify: (the effectiveness of high-level thinking skills in the achievement of  fifth literary grade students in geography and its  retention.

اختبار المعلومات السابقة

المتغير التابع

 التحصيل  +   الاستبقاء



اختبار التحصيل    +  اختبار الاستبقاء







الفرق بين المجموعتين التجريبية والضابطة في التحصيل



- العمر الزمني.

- تحصيل الوالدين .

- درجات نهاية الكورس الاول .

 - درجات اختبار المعلومات السابقة.

- اختبار الذكاء(دانيلز).




الطريقة التقليدية





المتغير المستقل

مهارات التفكير

عالي الرتبة






المجموعة الضابطة

المجموعة التجريبية

الفرق بين المجموعتين التجريبية والضابطة في الاستبقاء



To achieve the goals of the research, the researcher has set up the following: two zeros hypotheses

1-There is no difference with statistical significance at the level of  (0.05) between the average score achievement of the students of the experimental group, who study natural geography according to high - level thinking skills and the average score of students of the control group who study the same material in the traditional way in the test.

of  (0.05) between the average score of the experimental group students who study natural geography according to high - level thinking skills and the average score of control group students who study the same material in the traditional method in the retention test.

