The Isnad and its Urgency in the Fiqh Knowledge


  • Said Agil Husin al-Munawwar Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Kholil Syu’aib Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim of Riau, Indonesia


Isnad, tsabt, knowledge, book, teacher


One of the Muslims privileges is isnad (chain of transmitter), as nickname is a privilege to Arabs. Its function is to keep and safe the religion from replacement or alteration. The Muslims have noticed this isnad from the Sahaba period, after Sahaba period Tabi'in came and generations after them, all have concerned with isnad and cling to him firmly. We read the many of scholars, whom wrote isnads in every tradition that they receive, and also the perfect evidences (tsabt) on each book to be read, even every knowledge they have learned. In the fiqh  knowledge, Imam al-Nawawi (d. 676 AH) stated, that the chain of fiqh learning for followers Shafi’ite school with Imam al-Shafi'i himself than to the Prophet is very important obligation and highly valued, that should be known by a faqih and fiqh student, the unfamiliarity with him is infamy. Indeed, teachers in every knowledge is a father in the religion that connecting with God of Universe. Based on these explanations, no excuses and arguments except stipulate that the isnads are important matters of the Shari'a knowledge, especially the fiqh knowledge. Thus, the teachers and students should care for him other than informations itself.

