Trade in the Levant (Khorasan and Beyond the River) And its impact on the activity of markets 205 AH - 395 AH


  • Ali Farhan Zwer General Directorate of Babel Education


Beyond the river, markets, trade


Trade is an important factor in the spread of Islam and Arab culture in distant regions and regions. The Arabs seized the aid of global trade in the Middle Ages, reaching the peak of economic and financial development in the period between 205 AH / 820 AD and 395 AH / 1045 A.D. Trade during this period in the shadow of Muslim Arabs enjoyed protection, care and revitalization, and from this my research came to shed light on two major regions of the eastern regions, namely the province of Khorasan and the region beyond the river in view of its geographical location, and commercial relations with its inner cities, Or in the context of its commercial relations with the  cities Others.

The researcher relied on analysis and conclusion to recite the facts, but he faced some difficulties represented by: the lack of historical sources for this important geographical part, and after he made an effort not easily, what was obtained from the historical sources was obtained, and writing a research that included three topics first He dealt with the administrative and political importance of the region, the second focused on industrial aspects, and the third dealt with the issue of commercial centers.

