Muhammad Taher al-Dabbagh and his educational and political role in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Historical study


  • Helbin Mohamed Ahmed History Department - College of Humanities - University of Duhok - Kurdistan Region of Iraq


Al-Dabbagh - Education - Saudi Arabia - Party - National Constitutional - Liberal


Muhammad Taher al-Dabbagh is considered one of the educational symbols and the most prominent thinkers in the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  He set the basic blocks for the history of education in the Kingdom and was also considered one of the most prominent men in the era of Al-Hashemi.  And because of his sincerity and honesty, he was assigned as a treasury secretary of Jeddah.  After King Abdul Aziz bin Saud claimed the kingdom, Muhammad Taher al – Dabbagh was appointed as a director of knowledge and he provided services in the field of education. His role was not limited to education, as he had interests in the political side as well, and because of his good reputation, he was assigned in different political positions. He was appointed as a secretary of the National Hijazi Party during the reign of Al-Hashemi and also held the position of head of the Free Hijazi Party and was considered one of the most prominent figures of the aforementioned party. It is worth to mention that Mhammad Taher al –Dabbagh had multiple activities against King Abd  Aziz  A character like Muhammad Taher al-Dabbagh is worthy of study, although many researchers refrain from studying personalities in general under the pretext of the difficulty of obtaining real information about them. Especially if we know that the study of the historical personality that left an imprint in various aspects of life is no less important than the study of historical events. And Muhammad Taher al-Dabbagh is one of the people who had a clear role in the scientific and political life, so we chose this person to be the subject of our study The study necessitated dividing it into an introduction, three axes and a conclusion. The first axis dealt with his birth, upbringing and education, and the second axis was devoted to the educational and educational production of Muhammad Taher al-Dabbagh. The third axis focused on his political role and was divided into two parts: A- Muhammad Taher al-Dabbagh’s position on the Hijazi Hashemite conflict and his role in the Hijazi National Party b- his role in the Hijazi Liberal Party . It is clear from the above that the appointment of Muhammad Taher al-Dabbagh as director of knowledge by King Abdul Aziz, if it indicates anything, it indicates the extent of his possession of science and knowledge, in addition to that, the administrative positions he held in Mecca and Indonesia gave him experience and expertise in all educational and educational fields on the one hand and on the other. On the other hand, King Abdulaziz’s choice of a figure like Muhammad Taher al-Dabbagh for this position explains how cunning King Abdulaziz was, who wanted to contain the opposition by writing to its symbols and inviting them to return to their country to contribute to the country’s renaissance and stability. Moreover, King Abdulaziz believed that education is one of The main foundations for the foundations of a strong nation.    

