Intellectual and philosophical references to the Zoroastrian religion (And affected by the Judaic and Christian religions)


  • Ayad Mohammed Hussain University of Babylon /Babylon Centre for Studies of cultural, historical


Intellectual references, philosophical references, Zoroastrian religion .


Zoroastrianism is one of the most important religions that have emerged in Iran, whose roots extend to the earliest ages of Persian civilizations, the Achaemenid state, and some even suggest that its origins date back to before the establishment of the Persian civilization. Zoroastrianism spread widely and widely in the regions of East Asia and became the official religion of the Sassanid state despite the presence of many religious and Gnostic movements at the time, because it was carrying rules that govern people's lives and in it there is a lot of humanity, also a lot of answers have come out that extinguish fire Puzzled thinkers about the secrets of creation, nature, human life and the world after death.

