Read in the novel "trumpet in the valley" to Sami Michael


  • Alaa A. Zobea Babylon Center for cultural and historical studies
  • Ali Mohamed Rashed University Of Baghdad


Sami Michael, trumpet in the valley, Arab image in Israeli literature


The novel " trumpet in the valley " is one of the novels that has attracted the attention of critics and researchers around the world for its new and daring ideas and visions about the Arab-Israeli conflict and its connection to the Israeli reality and its treatment of the Zionist movement and its effects on the psyche of the Israeli individual. The novel is a triumph over the hatred and hatred that is printed on the heart of the heroine of the novel, and it has been overturned by love and faith to the same advocate of peace and love as the author aspires to. But the death of the hero in the novel has turned the result upside down and hence the title of the research is based on (forbidden love .... read in the novel "a trumpet in the valley), and the study came in a preface and two papers and a conclusion of the most prominent results dealt with the preface: biography of the distinguished writer and most important The first topic dealt with the content of the novel and the main axes of it, starting from its provocative and interesting title, the time of the novel, its place and characters, and the author's approach in his novel (the writer's vision). The second topic dealt with the description of the Arab and Israeli communities, The Jews and Arabs are the novel and its main reaper Love was a factor of change for the better and better, and the critical reading of the novel found that the novel was the author's call to spread love and peace with the other, to know the feelings of the Arab people and their pain, and that The writer was bold in his talk about love and sex, the novel is undoubtedly rich in connotations and meanings and strange images

