Yahiya bin Zaid Revolutionist Al-Juzjan (D. 125 AH / 742 AD) Historical study


  • Mohammed Abdul Hadi Hassan Al-Aboudi Education Directorate Of Babylon


Zaid martyr, Yahiya, Revolution, Umayyads, Al-Gusjan


IT is accepted that the A levis CA group of people who supported Imam ALI .from the Hussein .branch look low Approaches to revoltolt against the Umayyad’s system .the first way was by raising the sword to demand their rights and keep the injustice away Examples of this the revelation of zaid ben Ali and his son Yahiya ben zaid the second way was by taking a brayer as approach gust like AL Emam ALsajad and AL Emam Baqer and AL Sadeq after him . The revolution of  Yahiya ben zaid ben ALI in Khurasan was one of the most important revolution that worried Umayyad’s system so Umayyad’s practice oppression against leaders . by chasing and the revolution imprison them and refusing Funeral them after their martyrdom and insisting on crucifixion them for years to make them unexampled for others and that what happen Lark martyr Zaid in Kufa and his son crucifixion Yahiya on the Guzgan cordon .As soon as the news of the going of Yahiya ben zaid to Khurasan . the Umayyad’s ruler sent an army from Levant to the for east to suppress it because He was afraid of spreading it in that country send other countries of the Islamic world . the revolution of Yahiya ben zaid intentional blackout by historians. Lrying to hide or downgrade .its importance so the researchers tried to highlight this revolution stating from the Journey

  Yahiya with his father martyre zaid from Medina to Levant then to Iraq . and his participating with his father’s revolt in Kufa and ending with his trip to Khurasan and rising the revolution in Guzgan . the research consisted of introduction and three researches the first one include Yahiya’s lineage , his biograph and his character . the second concentrate on Yahiya’s news and his trip to Khurasan . while the third one the notice of the revolution and the martyrdom of Yahiya ben zaid and  crucifixion him . And how getting benefit from this revolution by the Abbasids by raising the logo of satisfaction from AL Mohammad ,and them the conclusion and verify sources

