Fragments of the Babylonian civilization in the Arab-Islamic heritage


  • Thamer Kadim Abd Al-Khafaji Open educational collage – Babylon center


civilization of Babylon, Arab Islamic heritage, , Poetry, Sumerian dynasty, Hammurabi


The city of Babylon is the first or the second city built on Earth and were considered the greatest and richest city in the world,  it was founded to be the capital of the East, which strong famous historical characters like: Hammurabi (2123- 2081 BC. M) the Conqueror and the legislator who reigned three and forty years, most of the linguists, historians and commentators were spoke of Babylon And it was unique, and considered by historians one of the Seven Wonders, and had the hanging gardens and lavish palaces, the scientists from astrologers and doctors were unanimous that they healthiest, and best city in the the Kingdom and said: but became the minds of the people of Babylon over the minds, and their beauty over beauty, and their perfection on the perfect, for the cause of moderate.

Babylonians has gained great skill in the inscription on the rocks and bricks and carving pictures and statues, fabrics and

As for the building, the hanging gardens are one of the greatest architectural arts that Babylon has reached, as the layers are connected to each other with a wide staircase and when spring comes and blossoms and leaves trees and roses at these heights in the midst of the high heat, these gardens are a paradise on earth that spreads the fragrant scent, coolness and gentleness to deserve to be one of the wonders. The Seven Worlds is his wife, with its air, beauty, scent, pleasant atmosphere and beautiful outlook.

Babylonian clothing known for quality and durability to the Romans, the cloth Babylonian was very beauty, and science that became famous by the Babylonians also is astrology With regard to trade in this country was popular, as traders brought to it gold, silver, ivory and red Durr and stone, and the women of Babylon, by all means look beautiful decorations and luxury clothes and live in a well-being

