Carrying the contrary on the other contrary morphological study


  • Kadhim Ibrahim Obayes Al-Sultiney The Ministry of Education - the General Directorate for the breeding of Babylon


contrary, carrying , origin ,measure


Scholars of the Arabic language paid a great interest on meaning and  an example of  that they have expanded, so they took on the meanings of some words when referring to texts that violate grammatical rules. The form of the word is indicated in its meaning when it agrees with the rules of Arabic speech. If it is contrary to it, the speech will be confusing like  making masculine as feminine and vice versa  and the portrayal of the meaning of the one in the plural. If I want to reveal the meaning and push the confusion we should take the speech on the meaning of the utterance without the meaning .                                                                                                                   

Carrying of the meaning in its various kinds _ carrying on the meaning, and carrying on the word, and carrying on the neighborhood and carrying on the counterpart to the other _ is a color of the measurement of any measurement of the order on the order and load one of the rule of the other.

bearing some of the words in its conjugation rules of the literal provisions of other words because they contradict in the meaning and contrast carries the opposite, as the counterpart bears on his counterpart as a hungry on the full and thirst on chubby and so on.

The opposite is the negative and positive of the word of another term that corresponds to the meaning not the origin where one of them contradicts the meaning of the other.

Which called for the selection of this research that this subject studied of grammartically and they began to study it of morphologically to reveal the merits of this type of morphological measurement. The search results for the most important that the morphologists left the measurement in death accept exchange of vowels.

The paper is divided into six sections:

The first section carrying the correction of (muwtan)on (Heiwan)

The second section carrying the feminine form of some words on its opposites.

The third section: carrying minimize on the irregular plural.

The fourth section : carrying (skinny ) on ( fat)

The fifth section : carrying (vac ) on( industry )

The sixth section : carrying some forms on their opposites.

