Juhud Almustashriqin Fi Dirasat Alqra'at Waeulumiha


  • Hibib Allah bin Salih bin Habib Allah Alssulmy al'ustadh almusharik biqism alqara'at bijamieat 'ama alquraa - makat almkrmt- alsewdy


juhud almustashriqin- almustashriqun walquruan- kutib alqara'at


This research is characterized by: (juhud almustashriqin fi dirasat alqra'at waeulumiha). It aims to reveal the efforts of orientalists in the service of the science of readings, its writings and subjects, and it consisted of an introduction and two major articles and proven sources and references.The first topic deals with: the most famous Orientalist scholars who meant this science. The second topic also dealt with: the most famous books and topics that they referred to in the readings and their sciences, then the researcher concluded in the conclusion to mention the most important results, most notably:1. That the Orientalists took great care in achieving the books of the Qur'anic heritage and its topics; Rather, they achieved the nations of the books of recitations, drawing, stopping, starting and translating, and they had a head start in directing them and researchers' use of them for years.2. That the most prominent issues they dealt with: collection and writing of the Qur’an, choice, the development of the science of readings and authorship in it, the authenticity of the isnad, and the authenticity of the hadiths narrated in describing the first incidents and facts.The flags of orientalists in this field are four in number: Gold Seeher, Noldka, Arthur Geoffrey, and Bergstrasser. Also, the most famous oriental school in the science of reading is the German School

