The semantics of the verb "semantic" semantics are examples from the Noble Qur’an


  • Laith Faris Ahmed




The evidence of the Quran has a significant role important to know the meaning of the word to be interpreted, this vision optic (The Real) don't understand the decision with vision and a heart for example; when you say (See Muhammad), and(I saw God bigger everything) find that coordinating semantic between the two are very different, the one but the teacher had changed because of the non logical and reasonable that God sees, so the issue here is the vision of heart for the council, has been speaking at other times to the installation of any overvalued (red), At the same time, man has a conscience through which he understands the rightness of the Bari, and this is what I meant by formats of the verb (saw) In the Qur'an, On  the other hand, you find that the verb in its pure form is three-weight, it is one of the characters (the mirror, the land-based hum, and the cabin wrap), And it is constant and does not change, but the nature of the sentence in terms of its grammatical composition changes the meaning of the act, You can find synonyms of the verb "saw" in Arabic, which are many such as "look" and " He screamed. " and "Sight" and "conscious", "learned", " He's been in love.", "moment" and "glimpse", And many other acts of synonym, but they pour into the same connotation, one of which may indicate the meaning of the other from the face, On the other hand, Arabic is a beautiful language with meanings, synonyms and opposites, and its beauty often lies in eloquence, eloquence and semantics, That's why you find that the act (saw) and other actions have many implications that change according to the context, Or the reality of the situation that his friend is going through, or the time when people live, And that's what I stood for and made it look like a search with this name

