Analysis of the Arabic translation problems of the first volume of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh based on the views of Antoine Berman (Case study of Shahnameh by Bondari Esfahani)


  • Haidar Naeem Hamza Al-Zoamil Language and Literature / College of Arts/ Ferdowsi University of Mashhad/Iran).
  • Abu Al-Qasim Qwam Department of Persian Language and Literature, College of Arts. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad/ Iran)
  • Muhammad Jaafar Yahaqi ( Language and Literature, College of Arts, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad /Iran)


translation, Translation Criticism, Antoine Berman, Shahnameh Bondari, Shahnameh Ferdowsi


Ferdowsi's  Shahnameh is considered one of the most important treasures of poetry in  Persian literature, despite the circumstances that Persian literature went through, but it was not affected by those circumstances and remained immortal.  On the other hand, from the first moment of writing this divan, Abu Al fath Bandari AL Isfahani sought to translate it.    However, his translation has been suffered from some disadvantages and defects  due to its cultural and social orientations, which made us focus in this  study on analyzing the problems of Bandari's Arabic  translation, especially the first volume of  Shahnameh  Ferdowsi according to   Antoine Berman 's view in two axes:  the band justifies the application of Berman's point of view.  The theoretical dimension and the  practical dimension. Theoretical dimension includes an overview of  Berman's  point of view and  explanation some  of   the axes  of his analytical study presented  in the field of  translation and translation problems such as transparency, rationality, redundancy  and lack of quantitative richness. Furthermore, the applied dimension, it deals with the application of Berman's theory and the axes of his analytical study, including rationality, redundancy…ect, which will be clarified through the study of the cognitive translation of Bondari's book "Shahnameh" and  Ferdowsi's  "Shahnameh".

 From the  results of this study, it can be  indicated that  AL Bandari in Shahnameh translation was inclined towards the meaning or the connotation and the free translation. On the other hand, due to some national, cultural and ethnic prejudices, Bandari had deleted or changed some sections of the Shahnameh  text (translated text). Thus the critic to  examine  its funny features  and  clarify its roots in an accurate way.

