The effect of the denotation style of verbs in developing the linguistic wealth of the fourth literary students


  • Mohammed Abbas Mohammed University of Babylon College of Physical Education and Sports Science


the significance of verbs, linguistic wealth, fourth literary students.


The current research aims to know the effect of the verb semantic style in developing the linguistic wealth of the fourth literary students in reading and texts. The method of denoting verbs and the mean scores of the control group who studied according to the traditional method. To verify this, the researcher chose the experimental design with partial control for two groups, one of them is experimental and the other is control. The control group, the research sample amounted to (57) students, (29) students to represent the experimental group and (28) female students to represent the control group. The researcher prepared the topics that will be studied during the duration of the experiment and formulated behavioral goals for these groups, which were (54) behavioral goals. The researcher prepared teaching plans for the topics. He studied the two research groups during the experiment that lasted (6) weeks. The researcher has the following statistical methods (one-way analysis of variance, chi-square, Pearson correlation coefficient) to deal with the data and after analyzing the results, the researcher reached the following result: The experimental group students outperformed Bayah who studied the significance of verbs on the students of the control group who studied reading in the traditional way. The researcher concluded a set of the following recommendations: Paying attention to studying verbs and their tenses and linguistic connotations when teaching reading as a method that has proven effective in developing linguistic wealth and taking into account the mental abilities of students by giving them the appropriate opportunity To do their part during the lesson.


