Alienation and alienation in the poetry of Baraa Al-Shami


  • Ahmed Khalil Samin Al-Khazraji
  • Abdullah Hassan Mohammed Al-Jubouri


Nostalgia, longing, distance, pain, home, place


The feeling that haunts any person in all societies, and makes him realize different things inside him, which makes him a stranger, and since each person has a different feeling from his peers, wherever a person is, his feelings and emotions fluctuate according to the circumstances he is going through. These cases are what generate alienation in the soul, as he cannot accept the situations as they are or respond to them due to the prevailing circumstances in society or the surrounding environment. We see him expressing this in his words, whether poetry or prose. When fear, anxiety or hesitation arises inside him, it is a great suffering that is reflected in his literary works, and this is called alienation. It may be psychological, social or spatial, if it is mentioned in the same way. His buried feeling is what generates the distinctive poetic images to represent his condition or a condition that society lives in. Alienation is classified as a very old phenomenon, it appeared in the first societies, due to the problems and crises at that time, and the individual faced it with his normal abilities and sometimes it led him to rebellion and disobedience and others to surrender and self-isolation and the reason for choosing the research: The reason for choosing this research is that we found the emergence of this phenomenon in the poet Baraa Al-Shami in a remarkable way, and the poet was keen to address this phenomenon objectively, which made us study this phenomenon in the poet and what requires studying and analyzing it, so we sought to make our study about him.

