Manifestations of place in the poetry of Ibn Zamrak Al-Andalusi (d. 733 AH)


  • Abdullah Hassan Mohammed Hassan


Riyadh, Palace, Desert, Valley, Rawdah


Place is the space in which creative events take place, as its details draw images of nostalgia and longing for poets. Each poet differs from the other in describing the manifestations of place, due to the reality he lives in. These fluctuations in place create many images in the memory of poets. He remembers the past and cries over the remains of homes and those who inhabit them. Place is the outlet through which the poet recalls his life with all its details. This connection is rooted in the human soul, detonating its energy and inspiring it to express and compose in realizing the circumstances it has gone through. From this standpoint, place took on a broad dimension in literary details. The reason for choosing the topic: The place is what explodes the creative literary energies and is a motivator for the characters. In addition, it represents the connection that the poet has with his environment, and is a source of strength for stability in building the character. Ancient Arabic poetry did not know an environment similar to the environment of Andalusia, so the poets delved into the accuracy of the description and the artistry of poetic images. The objectives of the study were to show the feature that the place manifested in all Arabic poetry, especially Andalusian poetry, as it creates a character for a poet and makes him fluctuate in his poems between one place and another, and this place changes and does not remain in one state, as it is defined by the character of the hero through sadness or happiness, so a study of the place takes many aspects whose dimensions are rooted in the poet’s psyche

