The symbolism of tattoos is a tool for detecting criminal personality


  • Suad Shakir Bawee


tattoos, symbols, criminal personality


Tattoos are a language of human self-expression, and a tool for translating human feelings and orientations. Tattoos are characterized by their multiple connotations. They are as old as humanity, and have had multiple uses since ancient civilizations, as archaeological monuments have revealed. It may be used for purely therapeutic purposes, and it may also be a manifestation of adornment and beautification, but it may constitute an indicator of an individual’s tendency toward deviant (criminal) behavior, especially among habitual criminals, and an expression of their criminal identity The deviant criminal behavior of tattooed individuals can be inferred based on the symbolism of the tattoo, through which the type of criminal behavior they have can be revealed. Given the widespread spread of the phenomenon of tattoos since the past decade, it has constituted a social phenomenon based on blind imitation in most cases, which requires studying it and determining its social and behavioral effects on the individual and society This requires studying it and examining its social and behavioral effects on the individual and society, and this is done through identifying the types of tattoos and what they symbolize and explaining the seriousness of some symbols, especially with regard to their criminal connotations, which form an identity through which criminals can be distinguished from others The researcher concluded that:

  1. The phenomenon of tattooing is an ancient social practice, but it has evolved and diversified significantly in the present time.
  2. There is an unprecedented spread of tattoos, especially those with deviant connotations, whether moral or behavioral deviations.
  3. There is a weakness in the regulatory role of the Ministry of Health regarding unlicensed tattoo centers in light of the spread of health issues due to unqualified individuals practicing this profession.

There is a lack of awareness and education from educational institutions regarding the dangers and harms of this phenomenon on individuals and society

