Literature of the scholar and the learner in the story of Mossa and Alkhidr


  • Muayad fenjan herez Al Naqashi
  • Mohammed Murad Jafl Al-Ajiawi
  • Habibullah Halimi Jelodar




Science occupies a prominent position in society, as it is the reason for the advancement of nations and the secret of their backwardness and stagnation. One of the great things that God has bestowed upon us is the blessing of the mind that develops thinking and is nourished by the effort of the mind to seek knowledge so that hearts thirsty for wisdom, good morals, and good conduct can be quenched. Imam Al-Rida, peace be upon him, says ((( The friend of every person is his mind and his enemy is his ignorance.

The benefit of knowledge extends to its possessor. Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, said: “Knowledge is the vaccine for knowledge.” Knowledge is the pursuit of something, not the attainment of it. It is half the way, and the other half is to benefit from it, as the foundations of education in Human life is based on controlling and correcting human behavior in the areas of life and giving him good morals and good manners. The need for literature is no less important than the need for knowledge.

The story of the Prophet of God, Moses, and Al-Khidr, peace be upon them, has a scientific storehouse full of gifts, in which the benefits, purposes, and principles that establish the rules of right behavior become clear, through vivid situations and anecdotal scenes that were revealed in a few verses from Surat Al-Kahf, which God Almighty set as an example for us to show the important message that Al-Khidr delivers. Peace be upon him, to convey the knowledge that God gave him with the wisdom of his heart to our master Moses, peace be upon him, with what he understood with the intelligence of his mind, as he meant it with all kindness and politeness as he sought to gain more from the secular knowledge based on the heart and insight, in contrast to the apparent knowledge that is built on the visible reality, the mind and the senses within a narrative dialogue context that draws the lines of etiquette. Educational methods for seeking knowledge and the appropriate behavior that a student should have in the presence of his teacher, in whom he finds a role model illuminated by the light of his knowledge, as well as what a teacher should have in terms of mastery of his work and presenting it with dedication, intending the face of God. Each of us has rights and duties that regulate the system of interaction between the scholar and the learner.

