The position of the Iraqi and Syrian Al-Thawra newspapers regarding the 1976 Riyadh and Cairo summit conferences and their impact on developments in the internal Lebanese situation
lobanon, Iraq, Syria, revolution ,conference.Abstract
In our research, entitled (The position of the Iraqi and Syrian Al-Thawra newspapers on the 1976 Riyadh and Cairo summit conferences and their effects on developments in the Lebanese internal situation), it is not hidden from the prudent reader, and based on what the newspapers of the Iraqi and Syrian political systems intersecting mean, and their position on a political issue, each of which has an opinion and a way to address it, In other words, the position of both newspapers intersects with the position of the other newspaper, in accordance with the differences and different political visions of the two political systems. It is clear and in accordance with these differences, the political adoptions of these two newspapers occurred, as an embodiment and implementation of the strategy of the two intersecting political systems. We found that this discrepancy in positions and the alternative positions that resulted from those positions, we find that they all went in a direction that did not serve either the people or their leaders, as a program was drawn up that has become closely linked to everyone who sets foot on the ground of politics and who practices it, and this program only takes into consideration The amount of interest accrued from this use. In addition, we pointed out that both newspapers have lost public trust in achieving a kind of frankness and credibility. This had a negative impact on conveying the historical truth about what is going on and happening inside Lebanon. In writing this research, we relied on secret documents and testimonies of some who were eyewitnesses to the event.