Educational counseling and its role in achieving psychological security Social -field study for students of internal departments Babylon University


  • Muhammad Shakhir Hamza


Guidance, Educational Guide, Security, Psychological, Psychological Security, University, Students


The main research problem revolves around the following question: What is the role of educational guidance in achieving stability and psychological security among internal department students? The objectives of the study focus on the role of educational guidance in achieving psychological security, as well as the difficulties that the counselor faces in his work, through which psychological security can be achieved for the students of the internal departments at the University of Babylon. In order to achieve the importance of the research, the researcher built a five-point Likert scale for educational guidance, as it included.

(20) paragraphs, and for the purpose of statistical analysis, (101) action form were distributed on a random sample of students of the internal departments at the University of Babylon. The researcher also used a number of statistical methods such as the percentage, T -tested for one sample, the two independent samples test, the alpha coloring equalizer to ensure the sincerity and stability of the scale, and statistical analysis on the electronic calculator was carried out using the statistical package (SPSS.28) and laziness programs. The most important results that this research concluded:

  • Educational counseling at the university is an important service that helps students succeed in their studies and achieve their personal and professional goals.
  • Educational counseling is an effective tool for enhancing the psychological security of the individual, especially during the university study period. The individual educational guidance helps to understand itself, deal with his feelings, solve problems, form relationships, and a sense of social support.

The research concluded with a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which are:

  • Educational institutions must provide a safe and supportive university environment for students that help them feel comfortable and safe.
  • Educational institutions must spread awareness about the importance of educational counseling and psychological security for students and parents.
  • Educational institutions must train educational counselors with skills and experiences that help them enhance the psychological security of students.

