The question of the truth from the curricular Epistemology extracurricular Hermeneutics


  • Kheira Bourenane Humanities and Social Sciences, University Mohammed Boudiaf / M’sila - Algeria


Truth, method, hermeneutics, epistemology, historical truth


The concept of truth is one of the most widely circulated concepts, and one of the most controversial, which prompted thinkers to probe its depths, and the philosopher is among them more than making the truth his knowledge of it, as he did not stop asking about its possibility or possibility, and he did not stop envisioning the ways leading to it. And the discussion of the curriculum in philosophy comes in the plural form: Since there is no single specific method in philosophy for philosophical research and then truth-seeking, but philosophical approaches are many in their various formats, this means that if we enumerate the approaches to philosophical consideration, we will conclude with a large number that stems from the inventory. So,if the question of the relationship of truth to the method is one of the most pressing and present questions in modern philosophy, considering that the truth lies in the systematic discourse, and that the curriculum is the only guarantor of the unity of truth, and then progress and control over nature, then this relationship did not know a tension like what I knew in contemporary philosophy ; As it began to question its legitimacy, this happened when some philosophers declared that the necessary link between truth and methodology is unjustified, but the multiplicity of meaning (truth) is the prominent feature and the main requirement of contemporary philosophy, where diversity, difference and plurality of facts are guaranteed within the framework of the extracurricular vision.This article aims to investigate the problem of the relationship of truth to the curriculum, according to an analytical method, which monitors the moments of articulation between systematic and extracurricular discourse, whether in epistemology or hermeneutics

