Destructive international intervention""


  • Hanaa Jabouri Muhammad


Moral intervention -Economic intervention-Regional safety


It's all countries duty to support the right of independence of all peoples and this duty on other side requires commitment of no interference of countries internal affairs, this interference could be direct or indirect. The indirect one is considered the most dangerous aspect of interference which is called destructive interference and it was forbidden by international organization, this is carried out by sending armed gangs and mercenaries , recruiting them , creating enemy radios and spreading rumors or supporting civil war or rebellion to create a state of internal instability or chaos to topple the existing regime which affects territorial peace and political stability and hence all of this affects indirectly international peace and securityThe basic principle of intervention is that it is not permissible, and this is what is confirmed by all the charters and decisions of international organizations to preserve the rights of states, which require states to adhere to those rights. The majority of jurisprudence also rejects intervention and forbids it, except that a small group of them permit intervention if it is in the state’s interest in this matter. The intervention included the German jurist “Campitz” and the French “Bator”. However, the German philosopher "Immanuel Kant" and the French scholar "Louis Rabnot" believed that it was not permissible to intervene at all, unless the state was in a state of "legitimate defense Despite the original impermissibility of intervention, there are exceptions to that principle that permit some case intervention, including: intervention in defense of the rights of the state: intervention to protect the rights and interests of the state’s citizens, collective intervention in accordance with the Charter of the UniNations, intervention based on a request, intervention agaiintervention , and finally intervention by In order to protect human rights and achiehumanitarian protection. Destructive international intervention ismeans of international pressure that affects the will of the state, causing serious and repeated violations. Some consider it to be interference, which is represented by external pressu whose goal is devoted to weakening and oppressing the economic and political system of the state against which it is practiced The United Nations General Assembly issued a declaration on October 24, 1970, condemning this type of international intervention, saying: “Every state has the duty to refrain frorganizing, assisting, provoking, financing, inciting, or tolerating subversive terrorist or military activities aimed at To overthrow the government by using force in another country or interfering in the civil war taking place in another country.” Therefore, this interference is considered an illegal act, when it violates the principles and resolutions of the United Nations and conflicts with the principle of “non-interference in the internal affairs of states..”

