This world is a prelude to the afterlife from the perspective of the Holy Qur’an


  • Mohammed Litas Saleh Saleh
  • Saaid Amidian Dehno


Quranic analogies, worldly life, hereafter


The Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. He was keen to explain the afterlife in order for man to work with all his strength to win the afterlife and the satisfaction of God Almighty, and that the position of the Qur'an in this life and the afterlife is one of the important and urgent matters for man and many verses related to the worldly life are mentioned and the importance of studying it from time to time increases in order for man to take the right path in this life in order to work for this world and the hereafter.  This indicates the importance of the afterlife, until we found that the introduction of the worldly life to the afterlife has a great impact in determining the importance of the afterlife, and it is no secret to the reader that the introductory life of the hereafter came with an integrated system in the preamble and the strength of adhering to them to achieve worldly and eschatological goals, through likening the worldly life to the journey and the statement of rights, duties and activities carried out by man to win his journey towards the hereafter as brought by the Qur'an generosity and the Sunnah of the Prophet, to reach this journey to achieve The goal of man is to survive the fire and win paradise And housing in the highest paradise, and the keenness of Sharia towards plowing the worldly life and trade it to form a community that believes in God leading to his rights and the desire of the afterlife and does not care about the world and its pleasures, and our research came to explain the preliminary life of the world of the hereafter through Quranic analogies and the statement of verses that relate to the life of the world and the hereafter and its interpretation, and linking the works of the worldly life with reward and punishment in the afterlife and be according to the work of man, and mention the good deeds and duties imposed on every believer and is keen to perform them to the fullest and with love for these obligations because Realize then faith and eternal life that does not die after and this part required after the application of these statutes, and that these statutes and works strengthen the believers among themselves and consolidate their ranks and strengthen their resolve to uphold the word of God in all fields and win the hereafter.

