Greek philosophers in the country of Sassan


  • Nada Mousa Abbas


philosophy . History . Sassan . Greece , Jundisapur


By tracing the path of the Greek heritage (philosophy, medicine and various sciences) to the countries of the East, we find that the philosophers of Athens may have settled their destination as immigrants, towards the countries of the Sasanian Empire (224-642 AD), after the incident of the closure of the Byzantine Emperor (Eastern Rome) Justinian I (527-565M) to all the philosophical schools in Athens and those in the rest of the provinces belonging to him! On the pretext that it is pagan and threatens the Christian religion, which has become an official religion in his country. These philosophers carried with them, in their emigration, their books and all that they could carry from the manuscripts of the classical Greek heritage. Since then, Greek philosophy settled in the city of Gtndisapur for a period of six (6) centuries, before moving to Iraq during the era of the Abbasid Caliphate. Here, several questions arise for us, including; What are the reasons for their going to the country of the Sassans in particular? Were they the first to publish Greek philosophy in it? Or is there those who preceded them and there are those who followed them? ! And why did they settle in the city of Jundishapur specifically? What is their influence on Eastern thought and culture in general, and Persian culture in particular?

