The Eloquence Of The Oath In Surat Al-Shams


  • Ali Shahhouz Rajab Shalal


section, style, sentence, universe, emphasis


This study examined the eloquence of the Quranic oath in Surat Al-Shams, specifically focusing on the use of the letter “Waw” in the oath. The oath is made by God, who swears by various cosmic phenomena such as the sun, the moon, the day, the night, the sky, the earth, and the human soul. Surat Al-Shams is particularly noteworthy for its frequent mention of oaths.

      The eloquence of the miraculous Qur’anic oath came in the use of appropriate speech as appropriate, which is required by the rhetoric of that, the use of the oath by cosmic phenomena that man’s success is through piety and his disappointment is through sins, as the Qur’anic oath indicated, with its rhetorical function, to bring the attention of the recipient and draw his mind, soul, and conscience to the subject, hinting at it, and gesticulating with what It is contained in the blessed Surah, because the addressee in this section is either successful or disappointed.

The oath in Surat Al-Shams is one of the many affirmations that empower something in the soul and strengthen it. The Holy Qur’an was revealed to all people, and people took different positions on it. Some of them doubted, some denounced, and some were the most bitter adversary. So the oath in Surat Al-Shams came to remove doubts, frustrate doubts, establish the argument, and confirm the news to reassure the soul of the person being addressed about the news, especially In the great matters that he swore, the oath draws attention to the universe and the truths and secrets it contains, and a wonderful and precise system, as well as to verify that the book that the Messenger of God (may God bless him and his family and grant them peace) delivered was revealed from God, that God has taken care to preserve it from being altered, distorted, subtracted, or added to, and that it is a book that provides information and direction.It illuminates insights and visions to guide them to the straightest path. Our research carried all of these meanings, in addition to the many other meanings carried by the oath in the blessed Surah, as the style of the oath was built on the Qur’anic graphic expression and is based on the correspondence between cosmic phenomena such as the sun, the moon, night and day... and so on.

      The research also summarized the meanings of the verb (to purify) with its eloquence and absoluteness and not restricting it to a single object. Its meanings indicated extensive heart, mental, psychological and physical movement and struggle in this in order to seek the pleasure of God. Likewise, the intention of purifying is (tafa’al), meaning: a person endeavors to exert his effort and ability to purify himself and purify it inwardly.

      The entirety of the blessed Qur’anic oath exalts the status of the pious and their status before God Almighty.

