The methods of Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi al-Shafi’i (d. 429 AH) in writing down the sects that he attributed to the Shiites in his book The Difference Between the Sects, a critical study


  • Haider Amer Hashem Al Sultani


Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi al-Shafi’i’s methods of recording the sects he attributed to the Shiites: defamation, falsehood, deception, infidelity, contradiction, falsification of history, lying, sarcasm, and comparison..


Our choice of research entitled: (Methods of Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi al-Shafi’i (d. 429 AH) in recording the sects that he attributed to the Shiites in his book The Difference Between the Sects, a Critical Study), in this content was for a scientific purpose, this is to know the methods by which the people of that time and the authors recorded the image of those who differed from them in doctrine and how they looked at those who differed from them in opinion and doctrine. They were the elite that people read and their writings still fill libraries, schools, and forums, and then these ideas and methods will have a great impact. In the general public in the past, present and future.

        Here lies the importance of this research and other studies. Because it relates to the construction of thought and humanity and reveals the deviation and error of those who wrote in the past and whom people took as role models in word and deed so that we can confront these extremist ideas, expose their people, and point out the deviation of what they wrote, their lies, deception, fanaticism, and their positioning of sects in Islamic history that did not exist; Because these are among the main reasons that led to the division of the Islamic nation and the shedding of the blood of many innocent people.

       We will devote this research to explaining the methods of Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi in recording those who claimed to be from the Shiite sects, which were lying, defamation, blasphemy, sarcasm, and accusing facts of falsehood, as well as methods of fabrication, deception, comparison, using poetry, and praising those whom he liked to praise. We will also look at the methods of misleading, slandering, contradiction, and forgery. And an attempt to distort the image of prominent Shiite figures and fight the truth of the Awaited Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him), so that the honorable reader can stop and see the way writers wrote in the field of sects and sects and how they dealt with those who differed from them in opinion and belief, so Abdul Qahir al-Baghdadi is an example of these methods.

       After we researched the methods of Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi in his book The Difference Between the Sects and what his method was in mentioning those who disagreed with him in belief, we found that this author did not hesitate to mention the most horrific expressions of slander, cursing, excommunication, and slander in mentioning his opponents, and He appointed himself as a ruler who enters into Paradise whomever he wants and takes out of it whomever he wants, and the reality of this violent method does not fit with the spirit of objective scientific research that argues for the wisdom and good preaching that God Almighty has commanded.

       Al-Baghdadi followed several methods when recording the sects that he attributed to the Shiites, and in all of that he deliberately clarified the beliefs attributed to them by referring to the books of the opponents and enemies of the Shiites, and this is a disease that has spread to most historians of doctrines and traditions, and the Imami Shiites have borne the greatest share of persecution and slander. It is as if the authors of the articles and groups had agreed to write about them without reviewing, even in passing, their sources and writings, and as if the honor of the Shiites was permissible to be plundered by whoever seized it with his tongue, pen, and statement. The people write everything about the Shiites, and they do not have anything from the Shiites with which to inform them of their opinions and ideas; nothing but the books of their enemies and opponents and those who do not use them as evidence against them. We can see how Al-Baghdadi was fanatical in presenting the Shiite beliefs based on the rule of sentiment, and he hurled every slander at them as if his chest was filled with hatred and hostility towards them and everything related to them.

         We ask Almighty Allah for success and guidance. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and may blessings and peace be upon our faithful Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah and his good and pure family.

