The Mythical References of Dreams in Iraqi Feminist Novels


  • Shaima Aliwi Tohme
  • Mithaq Hassan Al-Attar


references, legend, feminist novel, dreams


The legendary reference in the Iraqi feminist novel is a rich source that contributes to the formation of the structure of the fictional text and expands the circle of its meaning by coding, as well as being a source of eternity. Therefore, quite a few female novelists misdemeanored to employ it in their narrative texts, so quite a few female novelists misdemeanored to bring names And legendary symbols to supplement their narrative texts, so these fictional texts were embodied carrying the sense of the novelist, his ideas, and the meaning of those myths, and this indicates the highest culture of the novelist and the extent of her keenness on the legendary history, and if myths were not important in human history and had a direct relationship with man and his civilization, they would not have remained so far transcending time and space, crossing vast distances. Without stopping at the traditional form, it also gives the fictional text its narrative specificity that differs from all other types of literary works because the wide world of the novel provides a great opportunity to embody these myths and express their spaces and specificities, and when the Iraqi writer resorts to embodying the myth in her creative text, that means that she summarizes A lofty goal and meaning that cannot be achieved properly without it, and perhaps its employment by female writers comes from their desire to merge with its imaginary atmosphere away from the dilapidated realism of life, as it is an aesthetic, distinctive and surprising alternative. With the legend by the writer, embodying her imaginary facts, and evoking her exciting atmosphere that gives her creative text privacy, as well as drawing the course of the story, the paths of narration and the development of events in the text that gives her creative text privacy, as well as drawing the course of the story, the paths of narration and the development of events in the text in an image Indirectly, this requires the reader to exercise a mental exercise in which the writer participates in building the story of the narrative text, as he is supposed to re-sort the events while reading the novel, and search for the existing connections between its narrative units. The most prominent manifestations of the structure, as it constitutes an aesthetic component that contributes not only to deepening the meaning and expanding its spaces in the novel, but also to making the fictional text consist of layers of meaning that conceal each other.

