The Role of Cultural Awareness in Enhancing English as a Second Language from EFL Iraqi Teachers' Perception


  • Eman Salih Hmoody


Cultural , Enhancing, Awareness, ESL, EFL, Teachers , Perception .


The culture has had a significant impact on the study of foreign languages and the teaching of native languages. It has been generally accepted that culture and language are the primary media through which culture is manifested. Taking this into account, this research was intended to assess the Iraqi teachers' attitudes towards cultural knowledge.

        The objectives of this investigation are to determine the Iraqi EFL students' knowledge of culture and language, and the degree to which they perceive the importance of cultural awareness in the context of language and culture, or directly or indirectly. The sample of this study includes 20 Iraqi EFL English teachers from the Department of Basic Education and Education of Missan University in from the 2022 / 2023 academic semester. The population of this investigation is composed of 40 Iraqi EFL teachers who are distributed among male and female EFL teachers in the subject of the research. The purpose of the study is to transfer the findings to a larger population.

        The results of this investigation demonstrated that cultural awareness was beneficial in the learning of English and the teachers concurred that it was impossible to learn English language without cultural awareness. Additionally, teacher have a thorough understanding of cultural awareness. However, the investigation of teachers' attitudes towards cultural awareness as a significant component was insufficient, it needed more research.


