The indicative dimension in the sermons of Imam al-Sajjad (peace be upon him) / a deliberative study / his sermon in the Levant as a model


  • Sattar Hussein Mohi Al-Araji


deliberative, signals, carpets, sermon


This research is concerned with observing the deliberative signals in the sermons of Imam Ali bin Al-Hussein Al-Sajjad (peace be upon them), and explaining their significance and revealing the meaning intended by the imam. The research is an explanation of these signs and their

            Meanings within the context in which they were received. The diagnosis was in the personal, temporal, spatial, social, and rhetorical signs, which are termed (the ego, her e, and now)

pragmatics is considered one of the modern linguistic studies, which focused on the study of language and its users, and one of the most prominent researches that gained a great deal of space among researchers in the science of pragmatic linguistics and its fields that are called aids or signs. Which dealt with the honorable prophetic speech, as well as dealt with by researchers in the field of Arabic poetry, and in the past it was called ambiguous in Arabic grammar.

            Pragmatics, as a branch of linguistics, does not study the linguistic structure, and I mean in that the synthetic, phonological and semantic aspects, but rather looks at the language when used and the method of communication between its users.

            These ambiguous or allusions in modern studies are considered among the methods of linguistic linking in the poetic and literary text, and in the grammatical field, the grammarians call the ambiguous in its linguistic meaning taken from the linguistic root {them} and one of its most prominent meanings: that the thing remains unknown to whom it comes, and from it is the command Among these ambiguities are the nouns of the. 

