Digital integration and blending: awareness of distance teaching and learning weaves the overwhelming tangles around us




Digital integration and mixing- Distance learning - University Professor-University system


Within the framework of the descriptive approach and based on a research interview applied to a sample of (31) university professors, from (06) universities in Algeria and Arab. The study aimed to identify whether the integration and digital mix in the university system is adopted. The findings highlighted that in order to safely approach a journey towards integrated teaching, it is necessary to involve all the specialized actors in the teaching systems, without exclusion, in an interactive and complementary formula with competences inside and outside the country, while supporting local innovation and creativity to achieve digital technologies that facilitate communicative creativity in the teaching and learning process. From such conclusions, it can be said that in the absence of a technological administration that wants to “technology” public structures, as well as formations, through material and theoretical means, such as adding automated media standards in the study paths for all specializations, as happened in the English language, that is, designing curricula to integrate post-education, with a focus on Equipping the teaching halls with technological and informational means, improving the Internet network service and making it accessible to the professor, student, and university administrator. The student needs education, knowledge and administrative documents. Also improving the level of online training. Here we also ask: Why does there not occur a marriage between automated media and communication networks with teaching and learning methods?


