The position of Al-Ahram newspaper regarding the discovery of the secret operations to deport Ethiopian Jews (the Falashas) to Israel in 1985


  • Thamir Mohamed Hamid Hussein General Directorate of Education in Anbar Governorate / Ministry of Education


Al-Ahram newspaper, Sudan, Ethiopian Jews, Falasha, Israel


The research dealt with the position of Al-Ahram newspaper on the secret operations to deport Falasha Ethiopian Jews to Israel, as it touched on the importance of Al-Ahram newspaper at the Egyptian and Arab levels, how it was established and the extent of its influence on Arab public opinion, and presented the origin of the designation of Ethiopian Jews as Falasha, then how the Israeli government agreed to Transferring Jews to Israel, and giving the green light to carry out their transfers, which began in 1977 and continued in the form of operations from time to time until 1985. It was done and what are the ways and means by which the Jews were transferred except for what was revealed, which are six ways through which the Ethiopian Jews (the Falashas) were deported to (Israel). These operations, which were secret, were revealed in January 1985, and in the face of these operations, Al-Ahram newspaper had a position on these operations, especially after the unveiling of these secret operations was revealed to the Arab and international public opinion, so Al-Ahram's position was translated through a number of articles that dealt with these operations Confidentiality, and these press articles focused on accusing Ethiopia of agreeing to these operations. It also blamed some Arab leaders in South Yemen and Libya for not preventing these operations through their ideological relations that bind them to Ethiopia. Despite this, it is noted that the newspaper's position is an attempt to push the charge of Sudan's involvement. In operations and justification in the humanitarian and social aspects, and therefore the position of Al-Ahram newspaper coincided with the position of the Egyptian government


