Bloom's taxonomy based evaluation and comparison of the content questions of the Islamic education textbook and the Ministry of Education exam questions for the sixth grade students


  • Radwan Farouk Kassem Ministry of Education - Directorate of Nineveh Education


calendar. Islamic Education Book. Bloom's Cognitive Classification


This study aimed to know the evaluation and comparison of the questions of the content of the Islamic education book and the questions of the ministerial exam for the sixth grade of middle school in the light of Bloom's classification. The results of the research with regard to the questions of the Islamic Education Book showed that the level of understanding ranked first with a percentage of (44%), and the knowledge ranked second with a percentage (32%), and the level of creativity came in the third place with a percentage of (12.66%), and the research ranked The fourth is the application with a percentage (6.66%), the fifth rank is the analysis, and the analysis is at a percentage (4.66%) and the sixth and last rank is the evaluation that did not get any recurrence. With regard to the ministerial exam questions, the level of understanding ranked first with a percentage (54%), and the second place was the level of knowledge by a percentage (45%), while the ranks from the third to the last ranked levels of creativity, application, analysis, evaluation, where they did not get any repetition. In light of the results, the researcher recommends paying more attention to putting more questions


