The effectiveness of a counseling program to reduce symptoms The retaining personality of university students


  • Thaer Sakban Hussein Al-Muthanna University / College of Basic Education


retaining personality, counseling program,semi-experimental approach, counseling theories, university students


One of the most prominent problems that lead to an individual’s feeling of distress and tension is his performing a set of behaviors such as keeping or acquiring large quantities of things and his failure to get rid of them despite being useless or of little use, as these behaviors greatly affect the individual’s psychological, family, social and economic life. and health. Given the role that environmental, social, and biological factors play in the occurrence of this personality disorder, the use of behavioral intervention in teaching these students certain skills by modifying their environments and providing appropriate opportunities may lead or contribute significantly to their acquisition of many normal behaviors. And acceptable, or the reduction of these abnormal behaviors, which helps to reintegrate them with others, and this can be done through the psychological counseling programs that were prepared for this purpose, as it is the only way to enter this psychological and social world for the individual who suffers from psychological problems using activities, strategies and techniques. The aim of which is to provide appropriate psychological assistance to him. Therefore, the current study aimed to identify the extent of the effectiveness of the counseling program to reduce the symptoms of the retaining personality among university students, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher applied the scale of the retaining personality prepared by (Ojja and Al-Nadawi, 2017). After extracting semantics Its validity and reliability, as the study sample consisted of 18 students, and the semi-experimental approach was used through the appropriate experimental design, by dividing this sample into two groups, the first experimental, numbering 9, whose members obtained the highest scores on the personal retention scale, and the second controlling number, numbering 9, the extension program was applied to The study sample and the experimental group, while the control group did not enter the counseling program, and the number of sessions included 12 sessions, two sessions per week, with a time period ranging between 40-45 minutes, the results indicated The research indicated that there is a high level in the retaining personality pattern among university students, and the second result indicated that there is an effectiveness of the counseling program in reducing the symptoms of retaining personality among university students. The research concluded with a set of recommendations and proposals. One of the most important of them is paying attention to the role of counseling and counseling programs and preparing and applying them in a scientific and sober manner to address the undesirable behaviors that characterize the owners of the retaining personality and that young university students suffer from. As for the proposals, they included conducting studies to build counseling programs around this personality, or conducting similar or gender-comparative studies for university students to detect symptoms of retaining personality


