Technological advances affected the geopolitical landscape between the United States & China


  • Ali AB. Mohammed Alma'amouri Al- Iraqia University – College of Law & Political Science


Conflict, cooperation, polarity, geopolitical balance, technological importance, the United States, China


The research stems from the idea that the rapid obsolescence in the technological aspect cast a shadow directly on the overall relations between states, but that the international system witnessed a sharp turn caused by the development in technology, but this development made the relativity of the relationship between states varies in terms of the transmission of the race from the side The traditional military has turned into a techno-military race, and the fields of competition between those countries have become comprehensive, but at the same time they are defined by a purely technological framework, which has been transferred to the race towards space, although we soon witness a tactical change in the nature of competition between countries. Soon, another factor appears that conveys to us a clear picture of the changes taking place in the dynamics of the international system, and the whole matter is seen in light of successive crises, which is the clear reason through which it is possible to discover about the infinity of geopolitical changes in this system, a model of all that we find The relationship between the United States and China is tainted by a lot of ambiguities, but in the past twenty years, we find that there is a peculiarity in their relationship, as the relationship between the two parties witnessed a geopolitical curve affected by the technological revolution. The last good thing, technology was not the result of the moment in changing the features of that relationship, but it was the entry of technology into new sectors that affected that scene, and the recent Corona crisis brought this conflict to the surface more than the previous one. All of these factors combined can be viewed with a different eye to those that were common before the past twenty years, which confirmed that the essence of the relationship between the two topics of the research could not remain as it was because the process of continuous interaction in the international system, which was one of the most important causes of technological development in It is the general sectors that have made it difficult to continue the competition between them in a purely traditional manner.


