The value system and its transformations in the contemporary globation


  • Sarah Falah Hassan Alwan Al-Qaragholi University of Babylon \Fine Education Department \ College of Fine Arts
  • Rehab Khudair Abadi Alwani University of Babylon \Fine Education Department \ College of Fine Arts


value svstem,transform,contemporary global formation


of the value system and its expressive dimensions in contemporary Western visuadiscourse).The first chapter was devoted to explaining the research problem, which crystallized as a result of the many transformations and changes that the value system witnessed, including(social, political, economic, cultural, and aesthetic), which contributed to changing the map of contemporary Western arts, highlighting the importance of the value system in revealing on the aesthetic plastic contexts that resulted in This study has been labeled with this research (transformations labors generated through the value system).Its results include current visual diversity, and the study problem that the researcher wants to solve by answering the following question is as follows:What changes in the value system and its expressive aspects have occurred in contemporary Western visual discourse?The study of the value system and its expressive dimensions in contemporary Western visual discourse represented by (abstract expressionism, folk art, assembly art, visual art, surrealism art, phlox art, graffiti art, conceptual art (language - body - land), Moderation art, performance art) executed with various materials on various materials within the United States of America and Europe between the years( 2019–1960)was limited to the study of the value system The research procedures were covered in the third chapter, which included determining the framework of the research community, which included (20) artworks, as well as the research sample and nature of the methodology by using the descriptive analytical approach (content analysis method) and the research tool for analyzing the sample, which consisted of (5) models. They were choen using a systematic random process and stratified according to the suitable distribution. chapter (theoretical framework and previous studies) was divided into four sections, the first of which dealt with (the concept of the value system, characteristics, and data) and included several axes, such as (the concept of the value system and its characteristics, the transformation of the value system in philosophical thought, types of the value system, the explanatory theories of the value system), (Transformations of the value system in the currents of modern art) was the second topic, and it included a number of sub-themes, including (romance and the value of sentimental tendency, social value in realism paintings, colour value in the products of impressionism, semantic value in symbolic movement drawings, Westernization and impact value in Wildlife drawings, subjective value in Expressionism, Cubism and the geometric value of shapes, the invisible and the reduction value in drawings of abstraction, Dadaism and multiplying aesthetic values, subconscious and unconscious value in surrealist products), The third topic is: (The value system and its expressive dimensions in the postmodern stage) There were several axes in it, including (the concept of postmodernism, the transformation of the value system from modernity to postmodernity, the characteristics of the general value system). In the postmodern society, postmodernism, the effect of technical data, and the ideals of scientific knowledge are reflected by (video art, light technology, and plastic photography, which contains:(Technology of Florence, holographic technology, virtual reality technology, and dynamic kinetic and optical technology), whereas the fourth theme is about myself. B: Aspects of current Western visual discourse that are expressive (discourse mechanisms and technical characteristics).The study findings, conclusions, recommendations, and proposals were all.


