The effect of Using the Method of Brain Storming in Developing the Tendency of Fourth - Grade Literary Students Towards Geography


  • Majhool Hussain Abood Al-Jobowry Majhool Hussain Abood Al-Jobowry


Geography, brainstorming, trend development, fourth-grade literary students


The current research aims to identify the effect of using the method of brainstorming on developing the attitude of fourth-grade literary students in the subject of geography.

To achieve this, the researcher adopted the experimental design with partial control with two experimental groups and the control group which is one of the scientific research methods used in educational and psychological research. The researcher identified the research sample for fourth-grade literary students in Al-Thowra High school who numbered (56) students for the academic year 2019-2020.

There are (28) students in the experimental group that studies geography using the method of brainstorming and (28) Students in the Control group that will study the subject itself in the traditional way. The researcher rewarded between students of the experimental group in a number of variables. namely: 1 chronological age in months. 2_ Previous acadmic achievement in geography for the third intermediate grade 3-The scores of the tribal orientation test for students of The experimental group and the students of control group. After the research determined the scientific subject to be taught to the students of the research shtu to the three chapters of the book of geography, Sample which for the fourth grade literary to be taught for the academic year 2020 2019, and in light of the content of the scientific subject the researcher prepared (96) behavioral goals that measure the six levels of Bloom's classification of the field of knowledge namely (knowing understanding applying analyzing synthesis evaluation. The researcher prepared teaching plans for the subjects of the experimenet. The number was (60) model teaching plans and by (30) model teaching plans according to the method of brainstorming for teaching the experimental group students and Bo) model plans according to the traditional method of teaching the control group. The researcher studied the experimental and control research groups by himself and the experimental that started 19/10/2018 continued until Monday 9/1/2019 when the application of the research tool which is the dimensional trend measures.

As the first chapter deals with the research problem it's hypothesis and the definition of terms.

The seconds chapter dealt with theoretical aspects previous studies and the balance of previous studies. The third chapter dealt with the research methodology and procedures as the researcher presented the research tool which is the paragraphs of the trend toward geography subject to a group of specialists in educational and psychological sciences.

After deleting (5) paragraphs and amending some paragraphs the approval of the trend towards geography for fourth grade literary students.

The fourth chapter deals with the research results and their interpretation while the fifth chapter deals with the conclusions recommendations and proposals.


  1. The presence of statistically significance differences at the level of statistically (0.05) shows the degrees of direction of students of the experimental group that studied the geography course using the method of brainstorming and the degrees of direction of students of the control group that studied the same subject in the traditional way and for the benefit of the experimental group.

In light of the results reached by the researcher he drew the following conclusions:


  • The method of brainstorming has an effect on developing the literary attitude of fourth-grade students.
  • In light of the results of the research the researcher number of recommendations:
  • The ministry of Education directs teachers of geography to familiarize themselves with the teaching mechanisms by brainstorming methods.
  • Providing requirements for applying the brainstorming method in middle schools, especially providing laboratories.

The proposals:

To complement this research the researcher proposes conducting studies aimed at identifying the effect of …


Using the brainstorming method in:

  • Other study subjects stages of study and other dependent variables such as creative thinking critical thinking and tendency.
  • Application of the trend scale prepared by the researcher in educational stages.
  • Conducting a similar study on girls schools.

