Mana (Study of origin and development until decay)


  • Alia Sadiq Ashour Basra University/ College of Education for Girls


Mana, Assyria, Urartu, economic conditions, political conditions


Mana arose and flourished in the ninth century BC and reached its peak at one time. In its beginnings, it was a group of mobile peoples until they settled around the south of Lake Urmia and made it their home. Mana gained historical importance due to its geographical location represented by its location on trade routes, as well as It was an important source of exporting raw materials and minerals, all of these factors made it the focus of the ambitions of the contemporary forces, including Assyria and Urartu, and it oscillated between these forces in a desire to preserve its political position, but this does not mean that it did not have a significant political role as it participated in wars against some Strengths and strengths Its refusal sometimes to submit under the rule of Assyria and Urtu made it enter into repeated conflicts with these two powers and eventually became officially affiliated with the Assyrian Empire in return for the payment of royalties and tribute. It also became supportive of Assyria in its wars against Urartu and other powers, including the Medes and Scythians. After them, it officially became under the rule of the Medes.


