The interrelationship between a man and a woman and its impact In prehistoric times (Mesopotamia as a model)


  • Ahmed habeeb Sunaid Al-Fatlawy University of Babylon - College of Education - Department of History


Relationship, Neanderthal, Man, Woman, Caves, Eridu, Agriculture


The importance of the research is to provide scientific information that deals with the issue of the interrelationship between men and women in the lives of the peoples that lived in northern Mesopotamia in prehistoric times, and traces the extent of its impact on their social, economic and religious lives by relying on archaeological evidence from reliable archaeological and non-archaeological sources from The scientific aspect, with regard to its impact on the social aspect, we find that sexual communalism was the one that prevailed in the Old Stone Age. There was no society in the strict sense of the concept of society. Rather, it was a kind of gathering. The same thing applies to the emergence of the family in its social, not sexual, concept. Society and social life This new social stage extended in Mesopotamia between the end of the Middle Stone Age and the Neolithic age, and the increase in population density was accompanied by a remarkable prosperity in the economic aspect. group members and a decline in the type and quantity of food, so the earth had reached the maximum capacity it could bear from humans, but it did not find In front of them, these groups searching for food will inevitably increase the quantities of plants that they feed on by turning them into food producers by planting it in the area from which they used to feed. To ensure the continuity and strength of his societies, so we find that man is a slave to fertility and everything that helps in the abundance of production in life. He symbolized this worship by statues of the mother goddess. Later he found that the phenomenon of fertility in nature belongs to two active elements, namely the male and female element, so the man began to participate in the fertility doctrine


