The State and Its Origins


  • Zainab Ayyed Sallom Dept. of Quran Sciences / College of Islamic Sciences / University of Babylon


the state, the pillars of the state, theories, the modern state


The state is one of the topics that still receives great attention from thinkers, since man, since he was found on earth, has been striving for the better, and this quest forced him to get out of a life of isolation to a social life, as the state is one of the most important political organizations in society that cannot be To compare the importance and sovereignty of another organization and exercise its supreme authority over individuals due to the important functions it provides to the members of society, as there is no way for a society to live without a state, no matter how much the organization is in that society, as it is not possible to imagine a society without a system that controls the various types of activity that it exercises. The individual, and prevents them from practicing aspects of activity that harm the group, reaching his moral status to the best level, and applying laws and rulings in order to prevent people from encroaching on each other. To research and identify the origin of the state, sociologists of politics and history differed, and this resulted in the emergence of many theories that were developed to explain the origin and emergence of the state, each according to his vision and his background of knowledge. The history of the state from its perspective, the study included two sections: The first research dealt with: defining the state and clarifying its pillars (the region, the authority, the people), and talking about the theories that were developed to explain the origin of the state’s emergence, and the second topic: talking about the concept of the modern state and clarifying the characteristics that characterized it The modern state, and the study concluded that these laid general foundations that explain the emergence of all states, and this trend is incorrect because each state is subject to certain conditions in its inception

