“When in doubt do as the three mystic apes do :see no evil , hear no evil ,and speak no evil” –A New Avenue to Non-verbal Communication*


  • Huda Halawachy (Ph.D. in Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics ),Dept. of English, College of Arts, University of Mosul, Iraq. Prime Minister office, Baghdad, Iraq Petroleum R & D Center, Baghdad, Iraq.


Distinction between verbal and non-verbal communication, the power of non-verbal communication for man and animal, non-verbal communication in fiction and art


Whenever the term COMMUNICATION is mentioned, we immediately think of telephones, radios, mobiles, comsats, books – in short all the devices related to VERBAL COMMUNICATION which, basically, requires language. It is, thus, one of the basic needs of human existence. Considering the importance of communication to us, it is, in fact, not fair to associate it with one single method of communication which is language. “[S]haring of knowledge [can be achieved ] by a number of means. These include visual methods such as sign language, auditory, such as voice and music and physical such as touch” (Via the Net1). Here comes the role of NON- VERBAL COMMUNICATION. Terms like body language, gestures, proximics, eye-contact, paralinguistics, haptics, silence and many others cover the pages of the scholars’ publications related to this area. The current article seeks to contribute(1) a general panorama of past –present literature on the distinction between verbal and non –verbal communication ,(2) a classification of non-verbal communication role for both man and animal which is a leading critical part ,and(3) a sketch on the power of non-verbal communication in reality , fiction ,and even art as an intriguing issue which is neglected in the literature on non-verbal communication.



