The meanings Of Popular Names (Seeb hill) from the Old Babylonian era


  • Ahmed Majeed Hameed Aljobory


Humanities, ancient history


We must have before we address to the subject of the meanings of names from Tel Seeb era Old Babylonian address to talk about the site of Tel Al Seeb (), which is an important part of the city Maturan, as is with Tel Hadad the limits of this city located in the region of Diyala / Basin Dam Hamrin, which dates back politically and geographically to the Kingdom of Oshenwna ()which is one of the most important ruling kingdoms in ancient Babylonian era (2000 - 1595 BC). (See map number -1 -).Of the most important relics unearthed in Tel Seeb, texts cuneiform, which numbered about (735) Rgima and crumb (), studied the text Salem (full) than in the two groups, first studied by Dr Abdul Qadir Shaykhli () amounted to (175) Tablet, included about (732) denotation, while the second group () studied by the researcher and amounted to (63) Tablet, included about (260) denotation, and in both studies had not been addressed to the meanings of names, so we chose to ourselves to complete the journey we began, because the Specialist in the field Almsmarriet does not stop when you read the text, but is analyzed and translated, including names.Combine this research within it more than a hundred Name aware, we have analyzed grammatical , linguistically and lexicography, and we tried hard returned to its origin, whether Acadia or Babylonian or omriain , and was arranged in this study based on the sequence of the Latin alphabet, which is applicable in the books of names (), and we will complete the study and analysis of the rest of the names of Seeb in the second set in another independent research, to be accomplished the reading of texts.


