Educational values ​​prevailing in the texts of the puppet theater


  • Amal Hassan Ibrahim al-Ghazali


Humanities, Arts, Theater


A lot of educational institutions attention to children tried in many ways based on scientific studies Saiklogih, aimed at evaluating the child and his behavior and build character, to be an individual active role in the progress of society, in terms of the puppet theater is an integral part of the Children's Theatre, is an educational institution related directly affecting the child,therefore, it contributes in a manner effective in building character through the guidance and transmit the educational values ​​of ideas and links to social, cultural and moral, as well as recreation and entertainment as it provides proper behavior for a child about a lot of experience going through at the beginning of his life, contributed puppet theater in the formation of a group of structures, educationalthat have a positive impact in the construction of the child in all respects, and here the current defined research problem


