The multiplicity of rulings in Sibawayh's book is a linguistic study in views of the transformative generative theory


  • Laith Qabil Obeid Al-waely University of Karbala / College of Education for the Humanities


Judgments, study, linguistics


The research aims to uncover the treatment of Arabic speech by Sibawayh and considers it an encyclopedia of use by those who depend on it, and this use cannot be rejected.  Because it is a speech the speakers have used the understanding with for a long time and they did not find it strange to their language, rather the language in them had the capacity for acceptance for every speech that could be understood, so Sibawayh encountered a linguistic use whose use descended from an Arab origin, but it is on a varying degree of eloquence or the criterion of many and few, but this did not represent in Sibawayh a control by which to trim and reject usage, but  described it with multiple rulings, as if he worked his thought in language to make it in a way that prefer some of them over others, and the matter in dealing with language is not based on rejection and reaction of use as much as we notice that he makes it a reason by the abundance of stractural formulas  That comes upon it, so that its justification for linguistic use represents a clear direction towards the modern study represented by the transformative generative theory, to find patterns of sentences composed in speech whose criterion is grammatical and semantic validity, which are produced -  the sentences - the linguistic ability of the speakers and their efficiency to perform it.

